Embedded Finance - Use case 2 - CloudBankin – A digital loan software by Habile Technologies

Glad to receive your thoughts on #embeddedfinanceseries regarding #embeddedpayments.

Let’s look at Embedded Credit, another use case of #embeddedfinance.

In Embedded Credit, the lending feature integrates seamlessly into digital platforms rather than redirecting customers to a third-party site at the time of demand generation.

The benefits?

1) Enhancing core business processes
2) Scaling businesses vertically
3) Diversifying revenue streams

Short-term loans are in high demand by MSMEs, but they are hard to find. BNPL options are available with embedded credit at checkouts.

With embedded credit, businesses and individuals seeking finance have more flexibility and transparency.

Companies like Zomato and Swiggy can use embedded credit to assist their partners in enhancing their services.

Delivery partners, for example, may qualify for business loans for vehicle purchases and maintenance.

That’s an interesting segment. What use cases are you familiar with in embedded credit?

#manispeaksmoney #embeddedcredit #embeddedfinance #fintech 

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