Conclusion: Significance of Uniform Credit Reporting For Financial Institutions - CloudBankin – A digital loan software by Habile Technologies
Credit Report Data Submission

Significance of Each Segment in the Uniform Credit Reporting Format

Consumer Borrowers


  • Why: To ensure each report is traceable, timely, and categorized appropriately.
  • Benefit: Offers a quick overview and ensures the authenticity and timeliness of the report.


  • Why: To capture the full legal name of the borrower for accurate identification.
  • Benefit: Ensures accurate identification and reduces the risk of fraud.


  • Why: To provide multiple methods of verifying the borrower’s identity.
  • Benefit: Enhances security and ensures the borrower’s authenticity.


  • Why: To establish a direct line of communication with the borrower.
  • Benefit: Facilitates easy communication and verification processes.


  • Why: To provide an electronic method of communication.
  • Benefit: Enables digital communication, document sharing, and notifications.


  • Why: To have a physical location for correspondence and verification.
  • Benefit: Assists in on-ground verification, communication, and legal processes.


  • Why: To capture specifics of the borrower’s credit account and understand their financial behaviour and credit arrangements.
  • Benefit: Helps financial institutions assess creditworthiness and manage potential risks.

Commercial Borrowers


  • Why: To capture comprehensive details about the commercial borrower’s identity, business nature, and financial health.
  • Benefit: Ensures accurate identification and provides a holistic understanding of the borrower’s business operations and financial performance.


  • Why: To have a physical location for correspondence, verification, and legal processes.
  • Benefit: Assists in on-ground verification, communication, and legal processes.


  • Why: To understand the connections the commercial borrower has with other business entities or individuals.
  • Benefit: Provides insights into potential influences, dependencies, or risks associated with the borrower.

Credit Facility

  • Why: To capture specifics of the borrower’s credit account and understand their financial behaviour and credit arrangements.
  • Benefit: Helps financial institutions assess creditworthiness and manage potential risks.


  • Why: To understand the details of the entity or individual providing a guarantee for the borrower’s credit facility.
  • Benefit: Provides an additional layer of security for financial institutions, ensuring there’s a backup in case the primary borrower defaults.


  • Why: To capture details about the assets or collaterals pledged by the borrower to secure the credit facility.
  • Benefit: Provides lenders with tangible backup in the lending arrangement, aiding in risk management.

Dishonour of Cheques

  • Why: To record instances where cheques issued by the borrower were dishonoured.
  • Benefit: Helps financial institutions gauge the reliability of the borrower and manage potential financial risks.

File Closure

  • Why: To act as a summary or conclusion to the report, providing a count of the key segments present.
  • Benefit: Allows financial institutions to easily verify the completeness of the report and ensure data integrity.

Standardisation of Credit Data Format

  • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has emphasized the need for standardization of data formats across Credit Information Companies (CICs).
  • The objective is to ensure consistency, accuracy, and ease of understanding for the end-users.
  • Frequent changes in data format are to enhance the quality of credit information and facilitate better credit decision-making.
  • RBI has provided detailed guidelines on the format, structure, and fields of data to be reported by CICs.
  • The format is comprehensive, capturing all relevant credit information, including both positive and negative aspects.
  • CICs are required to make necessary modifications in their systems to align with the data format.

Aspects of a Standardised Credit Information Report (CIR):

  • A standardised CIR provides a holistic view of an individual’s or entity’s credit behaviour and history.
  • The report includes details such as personal information, credit summary, account details, enquiry details, and more.
  • The credit summary captures key metrics like total credit exposure, number of active accounts, overdue amounts, etc.
  • Account details provide a granular view of each credit facility availed by the individual or entity.
  • Enquiry details list out all the credit checks made by various lenders on the individual or entity.
  • The standardised CIR aims to provide a consistent format across CICs, making it easier for lenders to interpret and make informed credit decisions.
  • The report is comprehensive, capturing both current and historical credit data, ensuring lenders have a complete picture before extending credit.

Recent Update in the Credit Reporting Format

In 2021, the RBI made some necessary updates to the credit reporting format. Here is the announcement. 

What’s New and Why?

  • There’s a section in the business part called the Relationship Segment (RS). This section has details about a company’s relationships, like who owns the company, who the partners are, and more.
  • The RBI noticed that this RS section wasn’t being filled out properly in the CICs’ records.
  • This RS information is important because it helps connect data between regular consumers, businesses, and small loan groups. This makes sure banks have a full picture when they check someone’s credit history.

New Rules for Banks and FIs:

  • Banks now have to fill out the RS section when they share data with CICs. It is mandatory.
  • For new loans given after July 1, 2022, banks must include this RS data.
  • For older loans:
  • Loans from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022, should have RS data added by January 1, 2023.
  • Loans from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2021, should have RS data added by July 1, 2023.
  • For even older loans, there will be more instructions later.

Best Practices for Bank and FIs in Credit Reporting

  • Ensure records submitted to CICs are regularly updated, with no repayment instances left unreported.
  • Centralize the issuance of NOCs (No Object Certifications) to avoid non-updation of repayment information.
  • Designate nodal officers specifically for liaising with CICs.
  • Prioritize customer grievance redressal, especially for complaints related to credit information updates/alterations.
  • Integrate grievance redressal concerning credit information with existing grievance redressal systems. This should also be part of the bank’s/FI’s customer service policy.
  • Strictly adhere to the timelines specified under CICRA and associated rules for updating and altering credit information, resolving disputes, etc. Any deviations should be reported to the Board.
  • Update credit information at least on a monthly basis or as mutually agreed upon with the CIC.
  • Provide complete customer information to CICs, including identifiers like PAN No., Aadhaar No., and Voters ID Card No.
  • Mandate the use of CIRs in the credit appraisal process.
  • Do not reject loan applications from first-time borrowers solely due to a lack of credit history.
  • Ensure the credit records of borrowers are consistently updated, avoiding issues like unreported final loan repayments.
  • Address complaints urgently to reduce court cases involving banks/FIs and CICs. Establish a structured complaint redressal process, possibly through a Consumer Protection Committee under the Board.


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