India has become the home to digital lending startups that have pumped up credit in the consumer market due to urbanization and formal employment. As reported by Inc42 in 2020, there are 5.6 million credit cards issued every year by which it is obvious that the market for credit is on the brink of a revolution.
On the other hand, the country is marching towards digitalization along with the pandemic, leaving the scenario quite advantageous for digital lending startups to exercise the best lending practices.
The traditional lending process that is being practiced by Banks and NBFCs has the following disadvantages which is expected to be solved by Digital Lending.
Other than this, there are also a few things that Digital Lending can do to change the landscape of lending in the financial sector. By capitalizing on this, the lenders, borrowers as well as the financial institutions experience a plethora of benefits.
Digital Lending predominantly focuses on the lenders and borrowers going through the digital lifecycle of financial products and services. The process has eventually led smaller banks and NBFCs to witness better customer experience, make quality decisions, save costs and reduce the turnaround time with loan application and approval. On an average, corporate credit applications for SMEs can be processed in a few working days with digital lending while the process could take 3-4 weeks without.
Further, the practice also increases revenues for smaller banks and NBFCs, which is proportionate to increased customer satisfaction.
However, digital lending is limited to risks like operation, policies, credit decision, analytics and technology that puts things together.
Looking at the bright side of the process, how do banks and NBFCs get started? What are the practices and principles involved?
Read on…
Be it B2B or B2C, conventional lending is always known for long paperwork and ambiguous practices. Digital lending has deciphered the entire process by providing faster help for credit filing, approval of application and disbursement of loan with no long waits. Sounds incredible, doesn’t it?
The Digital Lending ecosystem is built by seamless technology that is digitalized, while keeping the borrower’s financial information secured.
Technology Behind:
The superfluous human interaction is one of the pain points of old-school lending. Digital lending uses technology to verify documents, assess the borrowers’ credit worthiness, process loans and disburse the approved amount. This type of credit model uses the borrowers’ personal and financial data for quicker credit decisioning and loan disbursement.
The new-age digital lending process cuts down human interaction. The process is online, paperless and shortens time taken for collateral review. Here, the chances for impartial loan decisions are also less and the loan is granted even without seeing the borrower / applicant.
Disbursement Time:
Between the approval and disbursal stage, the loan disbursement time with digital lending is hardly 30-45 minutes. Traditional lending achieves this in 3 to 5 working days.
Data Security:
The data-driven digital lending process uses resilient and reliable SSLs(Secure Socket Layers) for encryption to guard the borrowers personal and financial information from digital intruders.
Further, to optimise this, the RBI has also alarmed users against unfair lending practices and unfamiliar lending platforms that assures faster loan disbursement as the complaints on digital lending apps has spiked up in recent years.
But, how to do it prodigiously?
There are 5 key principles of digital lending that banks and NBFCs should follow to achieve effective digital maturity.
Are you already rolling out plans to digitalize the lending process in your bank or NBFC? Then, allowing some time for your organization to be prepared would be the first step.
For instance, KYC submission is one thing for which a customer would stop by physically to your functioning branch. Your employee should be trained or familiar with the digital product that is in use. Otherwise, this can impact your customer experience which reflects greatly on your business and revenue. It can be simplified by bringing in a e-KYC process through technologically advanced software like CloudBankin. Your feet-on-street must take minimal effort to learn the digital lending tool/process and do the verification process in no time.
In order to stay relevant in the lending industry, financial service providers should adapt to latest technology and have an adroit strategy. This is achievable by having a Supportive CRM and a Structured Operational Process.
The CRM you choose should possess the following attributes.
-To provide a solution on-the-go.
-Processing of documents online.
-Reduced turnaround time.
-Real-time information tracking
-Notifications and reminders
-Customer’s financial data
To sum up, the CRM should ease document processing online, give instant updates, and be capable of providing the relevant lending opportunities for the end customer based on all possible financial data available.
The Operational Procedure is encapsulated below.
The Credit or loan application is the preliminary process demanding API integration from Credit Bureaus which is a must-have functionality of your digital lending application.
Today, customer onboarding is done through Video KYC / eKYC to have a reduced turnaround time by financial services providers (Banks / NBFCs).
The system should be capable of underwriting loans from several demographics like segment and geography. This can help you with data like customized interest rates for customers with previous lending history. Leveraging AI and machine learning tools have made this possible.
The disbursement time is ramped up with a technologically inclined lending system.
Existing customers pave more room for cross-selling opportunities. The system you build should be educating the customers with latest updates, products and offerings.
Click here to read more about how the process happens at a lending tool level.
Optimizing digitalization for varied demographics is a customer experience strategy. Before turning your organization / process into a semi-digital or fully digital one, make sure the change is leaving a positive impact on all categories of your customers across geographies.
This has further been elaborated in a blog interview with Prashant Thakken, Executive Director & CEO of Centrum Microcredit Limited that provides a panoramic perspective of the microcredit market in rural India.
To quote a few examples: 1. A new-age borrower looks for a straight-forward and personalized lending solution. This can further be aided by a self-help desk for queries to have an increased customer engagement.
Leveraging vernacular language for the platform improves accessibility by customers in the rural and suburban areas. This is also another viable solution that can give you an edge over your competitors.
In simple terms, this implementation is referred to as tech and touch strategy. Organizations and key stakeholders should be considering the following before getting into the digital lending ecosystem.
1. Customers in localities with poor connectivity and lower smartphone penetration might require more physical contact for loan or credit services.
2. Customer’s willingness and ability to use a digital product for lending services.
3. Size of the loan or credit availed by a customer is also to be considered. With a bigger sum, physical disbursement might be risky for which a customer’s digital savviness is important – usage of digital banking per se.
Even before setting up a digital lending system, a lender should be able to decide on going digital with a mobile or desktop application based on the customer attributes like age and usage.
The latest news from RBI on evaluating fair practices in Digital Lending in India might also help you strike a balance between human touch and technology.
A few organizations might take time for digital maturity due to diverse factors. Under such circumstances, partnering with Fintech startups to set up a digital lending ecosystem is advisable. This enables the execution of a specific functionality flawlessly and reduces the risk of failure of a digital product in the financial services sector.
Colending is one of the viable options to banks and NBFCs to come in alliance with to finance a loan. Here, NBFCs take care of the loan origination system and process while a major chunk of liquidity is staked by the banks. Having said that, there are both risks and rewards associated with colending which is being shared by both the parties.
The year 2021 is all set to bring revolution across all sectors while the financial sector is no exception. While paperless loans and video KYC are considered to be on the cliffs of digitalization of the finance sector, experts still say there’s more to it.
However, there is no hard and fast rule or formula to adapt the best digital practice. Are you prepared to welcome the change?
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Overview In today’s world, as we navigate through the digital
Technology has found a home in every industry. In other
A business requires a financial boost on several occasions. It
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After smartphone penetration, people are not watching their SMS at all. They use SMS only for OTP related transactions. That’s it.
But What can a Lender see in your SMS after you consent to them?
Lender can see income, expenses, and any other Fixed Obligation like (EMIs/Credit Card).
1) Income – Parameters like Average Salary Credited, Stable Monthly inflows like Rent
2) Expenses – Average monthly debit card transactions, UPI Transactions, Monthly ATM Withdrawal Amount etc
3) Fixed Obligations – Loan payments have been made for the past few months, Credit card transactions.
It also tells the Lender the adverse incidents like
1) Missed Loan payments
2) Cheque bounces
3) Missed Bill Payments like EB, LPG gas bills.
4) POS transaction declines due to insufficient funds.
A massive chunk of data is available in our SMS (more than 700 data points), which helps Lender to make a credit decision.
An interesting insight on vehicle loans for lenders.
A trend we are seeing today – the first-hand vehicle ownership is decreasing with time. Why? People are upgrading their vehicles in every few years because of technological advances. And, this can be seen more with the millennial generation.
So, what should a lender do in terms of financing?
– Estimating the residual value of the vehicle at the start of the financing period.
– Charging a borrower only for the residual value (which is the difference between the value after a few years and the current value)
Example: A bike currently is INR 1 lakh. You want to buy the vehicle for 2 years. A lender will estimate the residual value of that bike today and what it would be after 2 years. If the estimated residual value = INR 45,000, the lender will charge you only that (say, INR 55,000 with interest for this instance) during your tenure.
At the end of 2-year period, you have 3 choices:
1. Return the bike and upgrade to a new one without going through the struggle of selling it.
2. Pay the lump sum remaining amount to own the vehicle outright.
3. Extend the financing and own it by keep paying the EMIs for the remaining amount of the vehicle for the next 12 or 18 months.
Benefits for the borrowers?
– Flexibility to use a vehicle and upgrade to a new one.
– Affordability to not pay for the complete value of the vehicle with the intention to use for a lesser amount of time.
– Convenience in owning the vehicle.
Say goodbye to the old lending option and embrace the new way of financing for vehicle by lenders!
How many of us know this?
1) Tiktok does Lending ( is it an entertainment company or social media company or a fintech company?
2) Youtube China does Lending
3) Top 100 internet companies in China(no matter what business they are in) do Lending
The team which was heading Lending in Tiktok was the Advertisement team. If we do Ads, we do X no of revenue. But if we do lending, we’ll get X+30% more revenue. This is on the same Ad spot.
Ad team has transformed into a lending team, and in today’s world, it’s possible because the subject matter expertise can be put in as an API and given to you.
Embedded Lending as a service is becoming popular in India too, and I am happy to be part of this ecosystem.
The answer is No. Only the top 10 crore people have access to many credit products in India. Almost all Banks focus on this market.
Once you go beyond that, the credit access rate has dropped significantly due to multiple factors.
1) Customers who are having low income(30-40K per month)
2) Not earning from an employer who belongs to Category A or B
3) Not from Tier 1 or 2 cities
NBFCs and Fintechs focus on the above segment, pushing another 10 crores of people.
But in India, 70 crores more people are formally or informally employed, which still needs to be tapped.