Loan Management Archives - Page 2 of 3 - CloudBankin – A digital loan software by Habile Technologies

What is Co-Lending and
How will NBFCs Benefit From It?

Since the turn of the past decade, smaller lenders have taken the credit industry by storm – making giant, liquidity-filled strides all over the world. These are essentially small banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), who have capitalized on the...

Gold Loans – the Whats, Hows and Whys

Gold Loans – the Whats, Hows and Whys

Shiny, pure and incredibly valuable, gold is the metal that’s capable of transcending cultures, languages and businesses. Although the occurrence of this precious element can date back many millennia, gold has featured as a form of currency only since 550...

The Indian Loan Management System – During and After the Pandemic

The Indian Loan Management System – During and After the Pandemic

The pandemic has affected individuals, businesses, communities and economies globally. New trends are catching up, some fleeting and some that will be deeply engrained into the system for the years to come. As several industry sectors open up to the...

Micro Credit - Empowerment and Challenges - A Srilankan Perspective

Micro Credit – Empowerment and Challenges – A Srilankan Perspective

Rajeshware Srinivasan’s dialogue with Ms. Renuka Rathnahewage, Founding Director and CEO – Sejaya Micro Credit Ltd provides deep insights into the Operational aspects, Challenges and environmental factors on Micro Credit in Srilanka. Preface In the modern era, where technology, access to...

Why Should You Use A Cloud-Based Loan Management Software

Why Should You Use A Cloud-Based
Loan Management Software

In today’s competitive market, people are lacking behind in time to complete their routine. Hence, it is important to have time-saving technology in places wherever possible – be it a loan processing system or anything that is similar. Manual processing...

Top NBFC and MFI Associations in India

Unveiling the Top 15 NBFC, Fintechs, and MFI Associations, Networks & Communities in India

(List Updated June 2023) In the ever-evolving financial landscape of India, Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), Fintechs, and Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) have emerged as the knights in shining armor, catering to the diverse financial needs of millions. These institutions play a...

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(Formerly known as Habile Technologies)

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