LOS Archives - Page 2 of 3 - CloudBankin – A digital loan software by Habile Technologies
Enhancing Customer Experience through Loan Origination System

Enhancing Customer Experience through Loan Origination System

Digitalization has shaken up the lending industry over the last decade in so many aspects, that banks and NBFCs haven’t had much time to address each one. A vital aspect of lending, Customer experience (popularly termed as ‘user experience’) can...


Loan Origination Post COVID-19 for MFIs

Microfinance or Microcredit is a significant part of the retail finance industry in India. It is the mainstay for providing access to finance to low-income households esp to women. Approx. 60 million women, who enjoy the largest share of the...


A Complete Guide to
Loan Origination System

A robust Loan Origination System (LOS) that can establish strong controls over the increasing bad debts rate in the industry and simultaneously be the panacea to the rising competition in the lending world, is the need of the hour. When...

Introduction to Loan Origination System

Introduction to Loan Origination System

What is Loan Origination System? Loan origination is the term used to explain the process in which a company or an individual obtains a loan from a lending entity such as bank, NBFC, micro financing company and so on. Loan...

An Introduction To Credit Bureaus

An Introduction To Credit Bureaus

What is a Credit Bureau? A company which collects information relating to the credit ratings of individuals and makes it available to banks, finance companies, etc. – The Oxford English Language Dictionary.  The third most important entity in the loan origination...

10 Stages in the Loan Origination Process

10 Stages in the Loan Origination Process

Introduction: Loan origination system (LOS) starts when the lending entity receives a loan request and continues all the way till the loan is funded or rejected. LOS is important for lenders because it plays a significant role in allowing the...

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